This is a different kind of blog. It is not a food blog or a photography blog or any specific type of blog. It’s eclectic. One where you will find a collection of writings and photographs in my life, along with random poems and thoughts, family weekend trips and vacations, and recipes I’ve developed or are still in the process of developing. The recipes are my own and are inspired by a myriad of sources made possible by the great web of information in today’s technological age and my collection of books I’ve acquired throughout the years.
It seems that having a separate blog for every topic is the norm these days, but I'm "different" and don't usually follow the norm. I, as many people with small children, have less time than young, single people just starting out in life – or older, single people for that matter. Therefore, taking time for this blog is my creative escape from the ordinary that at times ends up being extraordinary.
Why "Daida L'Orange", you might wonder? When my oldest daughter was just learning to speak, her made up word for "rock" was "daida" and her favorite color was orange. Thus, the unique combination that resulted was "Daida L'Orange", a name that no one else had. It’s a name I came up with for my handmade newborn photography prop shop I opened in 2009 – a shop that is still open today. That was another of my creative escapes started shortly before my son was born. He then became my hat model until he outgrew the newborn age.
I have three children whom I reference throughout this blog. Their names are not made up, though they might sound as if they are. Yes, their names come from the kitchen spice pantry.
My motto: “Dare to be different, pursue all that interests you, and don't worry about what others might think or say”.
Everyone has a story...this is mine.
Feel free to contact me at nbrunner@daidalorange.com
A few of my photos have been published in Ginny Felch’s Photographing Children book.