
Let's Meet in the Middle (November Poem-A-Day: Day 6)

Here’s Walt’s prompt (a Two-for-Tuesday prompt) which is actually two prompts:

1.  Write a Left Poem.

2. Write a Right Poem.

Umm… With today being Election Day in the States, there are, of course, political implications to Walt’s prompt. If you go that route, please be respectful of conflicting views (it’s about the poetry, not the politics, on this blog). If you decide to go the directional route, then be respectful of people with two left feet or who are always right, especially people who are always right who happen to have two left feet.


Let's Meet in the Middle

It's not a time to question

or a time to fight

it's not about being

on the left or on the right


Let’s not forget the meaning

of the “U” in USA

about being united

and not so far divided


It's not about finger pointing

or calling each other names

about the hate and the lies

and those silly political games


It's about getting a job done

the best that one can

about us all working together

and following the master plan


Despite the fact

that you might be

on the right or on the left

or somewhere in between


Despite your view

for the one or the other

let's meet in the middle

let's support one another.


Not That I Text (November Poem-A-Day: Day 5)

Write a text message poem. Compose a poem in several short sections inspired by the compression of text messages. The poem might have one speaker or many speakers.

Not That I Text


Not that I text

but if I did

I’d use whole words

spelled in English

not jibberish


Not that I understand

the symbols so cryptic

as if a language so vague

was real to begin with


Sure it’s a language

all it’s own

but one I prefer

not to hone


Perhaps it’s because

I went to school

before most teens today

even entered the world


Or maybe it’s due

to the fact of attention

to details of spelling,

grammar, and intention.



Just Beneath the Pile (November Poem-A-Day: Day 4)

 Take the phrase “Just Beneath (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then write the poem.  Possible titles include “Just Beneath My Feet,” “Just Beneath This City,” or “Just Beneath the Surface.”

 Just Beneath the Pile


Just beneath the pile

of cases from awhile

hid a new clue

of the scarf that was blue


Fibers were collected

and matched with precision

how would they proceed

who'd influence their decision


Suspects were gathered

and questioned in stride

all the while wondering

how she'd really died


Another affair

a date gone wrong

they'd soon find out

it wouldn't be long.


Teachers (November Poem-A-Day: Day 3)

Write a poem that scares you. It could be a scary movie or ghost story poem. It could be a poem about a secret in your past. It could be a poem about your worst fear. It just needs to bring up a scary/fearful/uncomfortable emotion as you write.


That one would waste time

with issues so trivial

such as straps on a top

baffles my mind


That one would see

a child’s innocent hug

as something so wrong

gives no comfort to me


That one would be trusted

to guide my child’s future

when her own is in doubt

makes me a bit disgusted


Some are good I agree

they nurture and cherish

they’re loving and warm


Some are scary

so cold and distant

removed from emotions


Guide them

love them

teach them

that is your job.


Revealed (November Poem-A-Day: Day 2)

Write a full moon poem. The full moon might be a character or symbol in the poem. Or the poem might address what happens during a full moon: magic, mischief, madness, etc.


In thine light it’s revealed

all that’s concealed

lying here before thee

as time so long ago


Crazy as it might seem

the light from your beam

draws me closer to seeing

what I thought was no more


How could he not know

those feelings would grow

despite decades apart

would come to haunt me tonight


In thine light I now see

all that could not be

just as your light fades

as night turns to day.